Friday 28 March 2014

Home medicine for different diseases with medicinal plants available in garden

Cultivation of medicinal plants at backyard will be less maintenance and yet results are good.
Leaf juices are enough for the common problems like cough, cold, fever and others. Some leaves have characteristic property to control diabetes which is becoming more common in early stages also because of changing lifestyle. Some other kinds of leaves can also put a check to the skin diseases that are caused due to pollution. Each of these medicinal leaves is unique in improving beauty also.
As like exercises, water, milk, curd, ghee, butter milk and nutrients are necessary for health protection and improving immune system, in the same way, plants are also useful for treating diseases in the starting stages. Let us know more about some kinds of medicinal plants that can be grown in the backyard of our houses.

Nela Usiri (Otaheite gooseberry)

Nela Usiri (Otaheite gooseberry)

This plant leaves are similar to that of Indian Gooseberry. On the back side, row of small fruits can be seen. They have smaller sized seeds. This plant can be used as medicinal plant along with the roots. One or two spoons of juice of these leaves can be taken along with the bit of pepper to get relief from fever. It works effectively for skin diseases. And it also reduces diabetes. One or two spoons of powder of dried leaves can be taken daily by children and women to reduce the problem of anemia. It also reduces liver related diseases and jaundice.

Kalabanda (Aloe vera)

Kalabanda (Aloe vera)

It is a desert plant with thick leaves. Spines are present on either side of the leaves. Plant can be cultivated either through planting leaves or offshoots. Juices of leaves of this plant are extensively used in the making of cosmetics. Pulp of the leaves gives best results when ate mixed with sugar or white cane sugar. Juice of leaves should be applied for gums in the case of tooth ache. It is good to eat leaves that have outer layer removed. It also reduces the problem of constipation. Black color pimples will be reduced by applying juice of this plant along with butter. It works effectively for joint pains.

Tulasi (Ocimum)
Tulasi (Ocimum)

This plant is used not only for sacred purposes but also as a medicinal plant in almost every house.  It can be grown in pots also through seeds. Chewing the leaves, taking the juice of leaves that are dried in shade, along with water and milk will be of great use for many kinds of diseases. It can reduce the problems like indigestion, tooth ache, earache, skin diseases and others. It also improves resistant power.

Nelavemu (Kalmegh, King of Bitters English)
                                                                     Nelavemu (Kalmegh, King of Bitters English)

This plant grows naturally and every part of this plant can be used for medicinal purpose. Bark of this plant will be ……. It grows to a height of one to one and half meters. Taking juice of leaves, powder daily one spoon will be very useful in reducing sugar percentage in blood and urine. It can also be used for reducing fevers and liver diseases.


This plant grows to a height of two feet with leaves, fruits and flowers. It can be grown through seeds. Fruits and leaves are used in medicines. Juice of leaves and powder of the same is also used to reduced constipation problem and for getting free motions. When thirst is felt more frequently, powder of this leaves should be taken along with pomegranate seeds juice. Taking this powder along with Guntagaragada juice will reduce the whitening of hair. It also reduces indigestion problem.
Leaves will be thin, long and thick. Flowers will be in white and blue color. Juice of it will be in black color. It can be grown through seeds and by planting offshoots. Dandruff problem will reduce when the paste of leaves of this plant is boiled in Kusuma oil (Safflower oil) and then filtering. When the juice of this plant is .boiled with Nuvvula oil (Sesame oil) and applied to hair, it will improve hair growth and increases black tone of hair. It doesn’t cause allergies.
Pennaru GaddaluI (Aswagandha)
This plant is also called as Aswagandha and its roots are useful in medicine. It works effectively for almost all kinds of diseases. Juice of leaves of this plant is used for reducing cough. Powder of roots of this plant can be taken mixed with milk to improve breast milk. It also reduces skin diseases and it is a good nutritional also.


Leaves of this plant will be in the shape of heart. It can be grown in pots also. It improves memory power in children. People who suffer from nervous weakness, mental disorders and loose motions can get relief by taking juice and powder of leaves of this plant. Four or five spoons of juice of these leaves can be mixed in warm milk and can be taken to get relief from strain and to get energy. Chewing four or five leaves daily in the morning times will improve resistance power.


This plant has amazing medicinal values. It works effectively for cough, cold, motions, eye related problems, jaundice, dandruff, hair fall and psoriasis. Turmeric should be mixed with pulp of leaves and it has to be made in to paste. This paste should be applied to whole body and after the person should go for bath after drying for one hour. This will give relief from itching and allergy.  It also relieves from joint pains and bleeding of blood.

Tippateega (Tinospora)
Tippateega (Tinospora)

This plant belongs to the family of crawlers. It crawls on other plants in all seasons. It can be grown in backyard also. Diabetes can be kept in control by taking two spoons of juice of leaves and bark of this plant along with honey. It works effectively for cold, fever and skin diseases. Padapatri: People suffering from excess urination can get relief by taking powder of seeds and juice of leaves of this plant.
Where to get these plants:
Monsoon winds are moving actively. It is the best time to grown these plant in pots at home and back yard. As like other plants, all these medicinal plants are not available in nurseries. These kinds of plants can be availed at the plants division of Acharya NG Ranga University. They are available from the price of Rs. 10 also. There are 25 types of medicinal plants available at the office of this university in airport road after crossing Aramgarh Chowrasta (crossroads). Interested people can contact between 9.30 am to 3 pm on 040- 24013331.

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