Wednesday 12 March 2014

Organic Vegetable Planting

Awareness of healthy living make people start looking for organic foods. Currently major cities have started often found outlets that sell organic vegetables, chicken, eggs etc are maintained by the organic method, a method which avoids the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones grower.
However, the price of organic products is still considered expensive even though it is relatively expensive when compared to the cost of treatment.

Well, what if home grown organic vegetables start his own. Not necessarily in the soil, can be grown in pots. Divert hobby planting flowers to grow vegetables. Certainly no chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic vegetable plants can grow beautiful flowers like  familiar plant we grow, and we still get the value-added benefits of organic vegetables.


This guide was made specifically for the buyer seed / vegetable seeds that want an explanation how to plant it . There are several ways to plant commonly used , but which will be described in this article is one way to plant that we used to do . Congratulations Planting . . .
STAGES OF PLANTING SEEDS / SEEDComplete plant stages are as follows :

Pre - Seed Starting seedling or
Of course, not all stages must be followed . In addition to a complete stage of 1 s / d 4 , can also no.2 and 4 alone , or 2,3 and 4 , or 1 and 4 , or directly 4 . Here's an explanation of each phase :
Pre - Seed Starting seedling orEach plant seeds release specifications " Germination Rate " , which is seed germination . Generally germination rate is around 80 % , meaning that if we planted 10 seeds , it is probably only 8 seeds grow . Pre -
seedling intended to filter out the seeds that do not grow , so we are only sowing / planting seeds that have started to sprout that grows high enough certainty .
There are several ways Pre -
seedling , one of which include:• Seeds soaked in water ( warm ) for 1/2 - 1 hour . Seed germination is a long time , such as Coriander or Parsley or Horenzo be soaked overnight . After that proceed to the next stage , which is sown or planted . submersion intent to moisten the seed coat so that the skin pori2 enlarged . The result is the penetration of water into the seed . This triggers a seed to generate growth regulators ( auxin ) which then triggers seed agencies ( growing point ) start growth . At this stage we have not been able to distinguish the germination of seeds that have high and low , so that if direct sown / planted , probably not all the seeds will grow ( Note : the soaking water should be of plant growth regulators or organic liquid fertilizer or a little salt to help the growth process )• To ensure that the seed sowing / planting has a high germination rate , after soaked seeds , stored in a container with a moist base like tissue moistened . Cover the container to prevent evaporation . Store in a cool place . After a few days the seeds begin to germinate . At this stage we can choose only the seeds to germinate are sown or planted , so probailitas grow much higher .

seedIf we do a Pre - seedling, then the probability of seed will grow bigger . But can also directly sow without pre -seedling . Following seeding process :• Prepare a tray - like container seedling nursery or other container ( preferably not too high , 5 - 10cm enough to not need the media too much and the bottom of the hollow ( hole itself can be made )• Fill with the media . Mixture should be smooth media ( soil filtered , fine sand , fine chaff of fine organic fertilizer plus a minimum of 1/4 section ) . Dampen the first mixture to moist media• Enter the seeds in each hole - seedling tray , just 1/2 cm from the surface of the medium , cover again with the media . If sowing in another container , such as a perforated tray , give the distance between seeds , 1-5 cm to facilitate the separation of the seeds that have been grown without unduly disturbing the roots .• Spray with a sprayer if the media starts to dry . Then cover with cardboard or plastic solid color or any cover to prevent evaporation so that the medium remains moist . Store in a cool• After a few days ( usually the fastest 2 days ) , the seed begins to grow . Open the cover , try to get sunlight ( early morning ) so that the rod is not too long . Flush the sprayer so that the plants will not be disturbed water spray .
If you've grown , what's the next stage ? When will seedlings should be moved ?
Seedlings may be moved after being out two original leaves , so that overall there are 4 leaves , the 2 leaves and 2 leaves of native seeds according to the plants grown at the time . Seedlings can be moved to :• weaned , or• Direct planted
weanSeedlings seedlings planted directly in the ground or pots / polybag , conditions are still rather weak so that the power of adaptation in a new environment is slower . It can
cause stress on the plant so susceptible to disease . Besides, if the edible plant pests ( eg snails ) , usually eaten trunk ( because it is still soft , " delicious " ) , so that the stem is eaten , then the plant will die .
Weaning is so that the plants are big enough and strong before being planted in the ground / pot so the better adaptability . Likewise, if pests ( slugs ) come , usually eaten leaves , so the plant remains alive .How to wean :• Take a small polybag or a small container ( a glass of mineral water , mineral water bottle pieces , pieces , etc. are given a milk box hole underneath )• Fill with soil media that has been moistened or mixtures thereof , organic fertilizers do not forget at least one fourth part• Move the seedlings to the sapling container . Treat regularly until the plant is large enough ( if using a glass of mineral water , the roots begin to appear around the glass )• Ready to be planted in the ground / pot
If we do not want to wean , the middle road by moving the plant after a pretty big ( original leaf is more than 4 ) . If so , seedling hole ( when in the seedling tray ) should be large enough to accommodate the roots or seedlings should be enough distance so that the roots can develop properly .

Planting can be done from the sapling , seedling or outcomes or results of pre - nursery or even directly from seed . Advantages and disadvantages described above .
What should be considered ?• If using a pot / polybag , use pots / polybags with adequate size when mature plants . For example chili or tomato plants , you should use a diameter of 50 - 60cm . Parsley is quite 30cm etc. .• Use a mixture of soil and other mediums like chaff that the media porousitas quite well , which can catch the water but do not hold that lead to stagnant water . Do not forget to give organic fertilizer at least 1/4 section• If planting in the ground , spacing adjusted to the type of plant , such as chili / tomato / broccoli distance of about 60cm , caisim / Pakcoy / Horenzo etc pretty 15 - 20cm . The goal for growing space and enough sun exposure , and not competed for food• Staying doing maintenance ( flush , pruning , fertilizer , etc. ) and harvest
Special handling• Planting spinach is done directly in the ground . Because spinach seeds are very small , to make it easier to spread , mix 1 part amaranth seeds with 10 parts of fine sand , mix , new sown . Thus , its distribution will be more evenly• Do not do immersion ( Pre - seedling ) on edamame beans as easy to peel skin if contact with water• Planting umbi2an like carrots or turnips should be directly in the ground ( direct stage 4 ) in order to form a good tuber• If planting directly in the ground ( direct step 4 ) , the hole should be filled so that the probability of 2-4 seeds per hole grows very large . Later only maintained one of the most good plant / healthy . The others lifted or moved ( do not disturb plant roots are healthy )• Seed Basil or Basil not soaked ( pre - nursery ) , direct sowing only .

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