Friday 7 March 2014

Planting Media Hydroponics

This time I will to posting about a variety of hydroponic growing mediaknow more before we have to know what it is hydroponic , Hydroponics ( UK : hydroponic ) is derived from the Greek words hydro meaning water and ponos , which means power .  

Hydroponics is also known as soilless culture or cultivation of plants without soil , the soil in which the plants nutritional needs to be replaced with new planting several types of media observations about society and the international community ,examples of new planting foreign media and we hear the familiar
 1 . husk
arang sekam 2
arang sekam 1 
1 the use of rice husk husk has been a lot in Indonesia due to raw material pulp that is easy to get the rice husk is able to deliver the best results for memperoduksi various vegetables and nursery trees .2 . sponges

pons 1 
 probably all already know about the spoon which is often used for washing dishes and cleaning the bedroom window glass , etc. , but have you ever noticed when spoon is left in the open contact with rain and hot meals will grow moss green and sometimes black and sometimes there is grass growing
3 . Expanded clay

expanded clay  
Expanded clay is a type of clay that contains mineral has been important for the growth of young plants are very suitable for seeding .

4. Rockwool
 Rockwool , or often referred to as mineral wool , is a non - organic material made ​​by blowing air or steam into the molten rock . The result is a kind of fiber that have cavities with diameters generally between 6-10 mikromoter .Rockwool has the ability to hold water and air in good numbers to support the development of roots rockwool  plants.

5 . Coir

coir or coconut husk is used to sow seeds dibaik coir plants in the example above the bamboo seed
 6 . perlite                                     
Perlite is an amorphous volcanic glass that has a relatively high water content , typically formed by the hydration of obsidian , which is suitable for hatching eggs which animal and plant growth from seed mepercepat nyaperlites
7 . Pumice

pumice q 
Pumice derived from basalt rocks on the shore are the result of hundreds of years of volcanic eruptions
8 . vermiculite

A group of minerals has , the structure of mica . They are hydrous silicates , usually derived from mica such changes . So called because of the scale , when heated , opened out to form wormlike
9 . sand

sand bean 
sand could be for seeding plants on the coast and coastal mountains such examples coconuts and sand pea bean

10 . gravel

can be used for planting in our house if you want to add to the impression of the beauty of the interior of the house , which can be planted with gravel media only plants that are resistant against water tar or high water needs
11 . sawdust

commonly used for plants that require a high kelembababan eg fungi asasde

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