Friday 14 March 2014

Pest Management for Citrus Disease

Some pests and diseases that often affects sweet orange plants are:

1 . Caterpillars Minerder ( Phyllocnistis citrella )
These pests often attack citrus crops in low-lying areas , especially in the dry season . In young leaves , the caterpillars create a tunnel swirling white shiny , greenish or yellowish leaves under the skin . The caterpillar nest in tunnels in the leaf edge , so the edge of the leaf curl and sometimes doubled . If there are times when a heavy attack young leaves dry and fall off everything . Minerder worm eradication can be done by : Destroyed caterpillars or pupae were found on the leaves . When mild attacks can be squeezed by hand . Spraying with insecticides when the attack began weight .

2 . Lice Shoots leafhoppers ( Aphist tavaresii )
Fleas are attacked shoots and young leaves . Consequently shoots or leaves into a contract and can not be grown. These pests often attack crops in the dry season . Her body is black and most are not winged . Planthopper infestation eradication shoots can be done by spraying Basuddin 60 EC , 50 Dimecron SCW or Orthene 75 SP .

3 . Fruit borer caterpillars
There are two types of fruit borer caterpillar , namely :

a.       Prays endocarpa
Citrus fruits are attacked caterpillar looks ulcerous - boils on the skin and at the height of the ulcers sometimes there is a small hole . Of these holes are usually out mucus or dried sap that later becomes like a thin layer of resin . Citrus fruits are still young when attacked by this worm will fall , while the old ( big ) lead to ulcers , thus reducing the quality of the fruit . These caterpillars into the orange peel , usually thick-skinned citrus varieties such as sweet orange . These caterpillars are still small green when young , as adults scarred color red cross . To control this pest caterpillar needs to be done :
·         citrus fruit Wrap with wax paper or plastic bag when the fruit is still small and has not been attacked by pests or diseases .
·          Pick oranges that are attacked by pests or diseases , then burned or buried (implanted ) into the orange soil .
·          Spray with insecticide .
b.      b . Citripestis sagittiferella
From orange rind attacked these caterpillars , hanging out sap . Consequently citrus fruit will rot . Almost all citrus fruit can be attacked , especially the thick skin of sweet orange . Young caterpillars about 2 mm in length and yellow in color, while the adult worm color changed to green and the length is about 16 mm . After already a cocooan color to red brown , butterfly grayish . Caterpillar pest control is similar to that performed on caterpillars Prays endocarpa .

 4 . Orange Flower caterpillar ( Prays citri Mill )
This caterpillar attack sweet citrus flowers . Orange flower buds are still open or have eaten too . Sometimes spun survived interest ( net ) and the caterpillars eat the flowers until they run out . In addition to eating flowers , caterpillars also eat the young fruit or flower stalks . This caterpillar color yellowish white . The length of the caterpillar is approximately 5 mm . Small moth caterpillar is the same length , but different color wings . Front wing reddish brown , gray and white mottled dirty . While the rear wing light brown or gray , frilly edges .

To protect the orange flowers of these pests , every morning looking for the eggs or caterpillars on the flowers , and then destroyed , and can also be sprayed with insecticide .

5 . Armillaria Root Rot disease which attacked the root part ,
            The root of the neck so that the cracks . Root rot, root skin become soft and easily separated from the wood . At the root of the wood visible white fungus . Symptoms are visible at the top of the citrus plant , namely leaves turn yellow or red copper , then wither and fall off . Sometimes the flowers are pretty much formed . In advanced attacks ( long ) look similar to the branches bare sticks . If this has happened , not long after the plant will die . Efforts to control this disease include :
·         thinning of citrus , so the roots of healthy plants not associated with the roots of diseased citrus plants .
·         Root disease of citrus that immediately cut , wound or pieces smeared with tar plant fungicide .
·          Unplug the citrus disease , and then the plant is burnt orange and the hole enlarged to a lot of sunlight . Fumigated with methyl bromide or carbon disulfide .
·         Before the land was drained and treated with a plow or other tools .

6 . Phytophthora Rot Disease Caused by Phytophthora fungus attacks parasitsca .
Generally, this disease outbreak in a place that is always shady and damp . Sweet orange plants are attacked is usually more than one year old . Stem near the ground ( base of the stem ) and roots of which are the target of this fungus attacks . At first bark infested black - wet, then removing sap brown . These attacks could spread to the top or to the side . Part disease of citrus that will show when rubbed brown color , while the healthy green . Furthermore, the disease can get into the cambium , then into the wood . Diseased skin becomes shriveled , cracked and eventually die . When the skin is peeled off disease will look dark brown cambium . In the attack is severe, all root rot and dry . The leaves withered , dried up , and even the entire tree trunk portion was dried up and dead . Control of this disease can be done by:
·         Try sweet orange orchard not too moist , if necessary, reduce the windbreak plants and prune citrus trees this . Trench ( water channel ) properly maintained drainage .
·         When a snack attack , Peel the skin of the rot with a sharp knife and clean .
·         Then the trees smeared with tar or carbolineum parafine . Peel the skin disease , then part of the wood smeared with fungicides containing copper oxy chloride or the like Cupro with Dithane M - 45 .

7 . The disease powdery mildew disease caused by the fungus Oidium tingitanium
Which often arise in the wetter areas ( damp ) and plateau . This disease usually attacks the leaves and twigs of young citrus trees . On twigs and leaves are often contained white flour . The existence of this flour resulted in young leaves become wrinkled , and then dried . When the disease is severe enough , it will cause the old leaves will fall off . This disease can also inhibit flowering occurs at the time when citrus plants will bloom .

The best way of controlling this disease , is to use fungicides containing sulfur . For example , blowing powdery sulfur on the citrus crop is attacked in the early morning ( still no morning dew ) . Blowing is done once a week continuously , so citrus cured . Moreover, it can also be sprayed with Antracol 70 WP with an interval of 5-7 days once the spray .

8 . Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration Disease ( CVPD )
The disease is highly injurious to citrus farming in the country . This disease can attack citrus crops from citrus plants in the nursery to adult . The cause is a type of bacterium Like Organisms that are transmitted by insects D. citri . Transmission can also occur through patch grafting ( upper trunk ) . When this happens to young citrus plants will show symptoms before production . Plant trimmer tool can also be a transmission medium . The visible symptoms of citrus plants are attacked by CVPD , among others :
·         Leaves yellow and protrudes upward .
·         Leaf size smaller than normal size and shape taper .
·         The leaves fall off prematurely.
·         Citrus plants tend to grow upright .
·         Infested twigs to sprout and bloom at different times of the healthy branches .

When citrus plants showed symptoms mentioned above or at least the first four symptoms , sanitation needs to be done .

Sanitation can be done in the form of pruning and eradication ( demolition ) . When the intensity of the disease is low to moderate pruning twigs . Pruning should be done on the healthy branches below the base of the citrus plant disease . This action should be done as early as possible . Further attacks on the intensity necessary to eradication ( demolition ) .

 Disease of citrus that GO does not immediately die , but they can survive for years . While not yet dead , the citrus crop yields decline, both quantity and quality . Citrus plants are attacked by a source of disease for citrus surrounding . More control measures against the disease is a CVPD :

·         Use the GO -free seeds .
·         Use Terramycin 21.6 SP at a dose of 1.5 grams in 1 liter of solution per tree .
·          This bactericidal injected or infused into the stems of citrus quarantine or surveillance of traffic seeds from endemic areas ( plagues) to disease -free areas Eradication attack vector ( Diaphorida citri ) with Sevin 85 SP and Perfektion .
·         That's a whole other types of disease that usually attacks the pal . Buddy should really pay attention to the way Pest Control Plant Disease Sweet Orange in each disease so that my friend can handle it easily later .

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